Wind slits, also known as wind holes or wind pockets, are small slits or openings that are added to banners to help reduce wind resistance and prevent damage from strong winds. While wind slits can be a useful tool for improving the durability of banners, they are not always necessary. Here are some factors to consider when deciding when to use wind slits on your banners:

  1. Location: The location where your banner will be displayed is an important factor to consider when deciding whether to use wind slits. If your banner will be displayed in an area with high winds or gusts, such as on a building or bridge, wind slits may be a good idea to help prevent damage.
  2. Size of the banner: The size of your banner is also an important consideration. Larger banners are more susceptible to wind damage, so wind slits may be more necessary for larger banners than for smaller ones.
  3. Material of the banner: The material your banner is made of can also affect its susceptibility to wind damage. Some materials, such as nylon or polyester, are more resistant to wind damage than others, so wind slits may not be as necessary for banners made of these materials.
  4. Type of mounting: The way your banner is mounted can also influence whether wind is a factor.  Surface mount to vertical wall does not require wind slits.  Banners mounted with ground stakes or bungee/rope material hanging in an area with air movement and wind larger than 2’x6′ benefit from wind slits to allow air to pass vs creating a barrier.

If you are unsure if your outdoor banner requires wind slits, give us a call at (314) 869-0089

Published On: December 21st, 2022 / Categories: Banners / Tags: , , /

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